Living Hybrid Work

Hybrid working between home office & office: how the alternating model works


The corona pandemic has forced us to adapt quickly to a new way of working. All of a sudden, we had to work from our offices and get used to video conferences. This has shown that working from home can be effective and many companies have decided to continue offering a combination of in-person and remote work in the future. But how can hybrid work be achieved by switching from home office & office?

Key facts

  • For many employees, switching between office & home office first takes getting used to & brings with it some challenges.
  • This includes the concern of being isolated & cut off in communication. Another problem is creating a clear dividing line between private life and work.
  • Clear regulations combined with individual flexibility, the right technology & an open feedback culture help to enable hybrid working from home & in the office.
  • Workplace booking software can also help to facilitate organization between home office & office.

Hybrid work & home office: What are the challenges?

that hybrid work is a changing model in which employees work both in the office and from home. It can offer many benefits to companies and the workforce alike, but there are also some challenges to overcome.

Despite numerous benefits, hybrid working can also present some challenges, such as:

  1. Isolation: Employees who work primarily from home may feel isolated and less connected to their colleagues and the company.
  1. Communication: Communication and hybrid collaboration can be more difficult when employees work in different locations.
  1. Time management: It can be difficult to create a clear separation between work and leisure.

How can hybrid work & home office be better combined?

In order to successfully implement the transition model, companies must consider a few things. Here are a few tips on how you can make hybrid work successful:

  • Clear rules and guidelines: Companies should have clear rules and set guidelines for hybrid work, including working hours, expected availability, and expected performance.
  • Technology: Technology can be a game changer! project management tools, online whiteboards, or a Desk sharing software help to enable seamless communication and collaboration.
  • Feedback culture: A feedback culture should be promoted to ensure that employees know what is expected of them and whether they are achieving their goals.
  • Flexible working hours: Employees should be able to have flexible working hours to improve their work-life balance.

To overcome these challenges, companies should regularly seek feedback from their employees and work on their processes to ensure that hybrid working works for everyone and is a positive experience. Here are a few more tips:

  1. Virtual team building: Local team events and virtual events such as online games or virtual joint lunches promote cohesion and leave room for informal communication.
  1. Stay in touch: Regular professional and informal exchange should always be promoted. Although received hybrid meetings A new status in the hybrid working model, but should always be linked to informal exchange among each other. In particular, this means planning a little more time in everyday working life.
  1. Set priorities: Organizations must set priorities and ensure that the change doesn't hinder productivity. Project management tools & online whiteboards are ideal for this. This allows you to divide responsibility within the team and always get an overview of the progress of projects.
  1. Collaboration opportunities: New opportunities are needed for employees to work together and share ideas, even when they are not in the same room. Hybrid brainstorming are particularly important here in order to promote creative exchange. Incentives for office visits should also be included at particularly important strategy meetings.
  1. Create incentives: Companies should actively create incentives to employees back to the office to fetch. These can be team events, but also meetings. But employee support, such as taking over a public transport ticket, also actively helps to support employees in a changing model.

Optimally manage hybrid work & home office with Seatti

With the Workstation booking software From Seatti, you manage your office as efficiently as possible. Through seamless integration with Microsoft 365 & MS teams are convenient Book jobs online.

With the integrated Site overview When booking, you get an overview of who will be in the office or working from home, when. This makes it easier to plan joint office days and improve collaboration within the company.

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