The last three months have been a really exhausting but also very enjoyable time! Following the completion of the last financing round, Seatti has expanded and grown significantly. And so began the mammoth task of organising an outing for our team, in which all new team members could participate and get to know each other. And since we were able to fill all our positions successfully, it should also be a special outing. That's why we went to Spain in the Madrid area.
The majority of our team went to Spain on German Unity Day. And this is where the first logistical masterpiece began. Since we all work remotely and live in different locations, all team members had to be flown in from different countries and cities. That was the name of the first meeting point for most Madrid airports. From there, we took a shuttle bus to the Madrid area, where our location was waiting for our team. And then the big acquaintance began with dinner and a drink or two in hand!

Onboarding & Workshops
After the first big evening was a big success, it was time to get to work! After a short introduction to Seatti, it was time to onboard! One of the main reasons why we organize these outings is to clarify questions and problems during implementation right on site. And that is extremely important to us and we take the time to do so. Of course, it's much easier for everyone involved under the Spanish sun! Jokes aside. With almost 20 people and many new employees, this is extremely important. And with this size, it's also something new for the long-established Seatti family members. Because now real teams are slowly being formed. What is self-evident for other companies is slowly beginning to apply to us as well. Kind of funny, but still really nice!
But this is already a first difference to the other Outings: In the past, all newbies were introduced to the world of Seatti together with the entire team. Now there are teams and concrete structures are slowly emerging. An outing is the perfect place to structure yourself as a team, to network with other departments, to find interfaces and to find a place within the company.
And to define the big picture together, there were a lot of workshops! And that was just so much fun in such a big setting. Many different perspectives come together and result in a clear end goal from a chaotic initial state. Whether it was about questions about the design or new features, creativity just bubbled out of us!

Trip to Segovia
After going home after many exhausting days, we wanted to explore the area on the last day. And for that, we went to the neighboring town of Segovia. The city is not only known for its beautiful aqueduct from Roman times and its cathedral and fortress, but also for its food. And of course, the Seatti team set out right away!
Traditionally, there was a suckling pig. The special feature: The meat is prepared in such a way that it is juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside and can be cut up with a plate. Even for the vegetarians among us, it was a small event. After a short exploration tour, the last evening began. It ended with a light dinner, a bachata dance lesson and a few glasses of wine in the garden of our small palace. An all-round successful farewell! And then it was time for the majority of us to go home again. Adiós España! 🇪🇸

Learnings from our outing
Many exciting but also exhausting days lie behind us. What remains? Well, we've learned a lot about ourselves this time too:
- Take time: An outing of this size takes time, work and a lot of organization! And even though a large part of the business comes to a standstill, it's always worth it! The team grows together in workshops, team activities or simply cooking.
- Personal onboarding: On-site onboarding is not always possible, but should always be aimed at. Questions and problems can be resolved quickly and easily. And even if the technology fails at the beginning, the situation can be remedied quickly.
- Structures do no harm: Flat hierarchies are probably characteristic of start-ups and therefore many companies want to avoid them. But setting up departments or small teams also creates structures that are necessary at some point and help make everyday life more efficient.
- Transparency is important: We are a young, growing company. We know we're not going to be perfect, but we communicate early and often, and we learn and grow from our mistakes. Outings are also an important way to promote an active feedback culture.
- Corporate culture continues to develop: Like any other company, we have our own corporate culture. Since Seatti was founded, there is no doubt that we have agreed on certain values that will remain the same. But every new team member continues to contribute to the culture, even influencing it a bit in a way. It was exciting to see how not only growth but also the Seatti corporate culture developed and strengthened.
Even though these outings require a lot of preparation and stress, they are simply worthwhile! If only to welcome the new team members, see the old faces again and pull together. And even though everyone is working remotely and is happy with it, it's still great to see each other!
Last time, we asked ourselves how much longer we could hold these personal meetings with the whole team. It's still working for us! In the future, our team will consist of just under 30 people and the organizational challenges will continue to grow. We do not know whether outings take place every 2-3 months in the entire team. But team-internal offsites can still be organized on a smaller level. And that is the timetable so far. We can't wait to see how it will work out ourselves!