Deciding Hybrid Work

Reduce office costs: return of investment (ROI) of workplace booking software


Workstation booking software is an important part of every modern company, as it helps to use the workplace more efficiently and reduce costs. But what about the return of investment (ROI) of such software? How can you reduce office costs with such software?

Key facts

  • Software for hybrid work not only makes it possible to book workplaces & other resources for employees, but also to reduce office costs.
  • This is because a booking app uses booking data to analyze the utilization of office space and thus highlights potential savings.
  • In this way, long-term data can be collected and office spaces optimized or entire offices can be redesigned.

What is booking software and how does it work?

A Workstation booking system enables employees to book and reserve workplaces or rooms within the company.

The software usually works via an online platform on which employees can make and manage their bookings. This can be done either via a web browser or via mobile applications.

Key features of such software

  • Booking workplaces or premises
  • Reserving meeting rooms
  • Managing resources such as projectors or whiteboards
  • Notifications and reminders of upcoming bookings
  • Integration with calendar and email systems

How does workplace booking software help to reduce office costs?

A booking app can help companies save costs by improving the efficiency of managing workplaces and spaces. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Reducing vacancy: Since employees can manage their bookings themselves, it can be ensured that workplaces and spaces are better utilized.
  • Office optimization: By analyzing capacities & booking data, offices in their Optimize space. This means that unused space is either used elsewhere or sublet or moved to a smaller office sooner or later. Ideally with reduced costs.
  • Sustainability: Hybrid work and the use of appropriate software also helps with sustainability from companies. The savings in office space have a positive effect on a company's ecological balance — and therefore also on costs. This is because by increasing the digital use of resources, companies save costs for providing office supplies or operating costs for water and heating.
  • Cost savings through better resource management: By managing resources such as projectors or whiteboards via the software, it is possible to ensure that they are not reserved for an unnecessarily long time and are therefore available to other employees.
  • Avoiding double bookings: Integration with calendar and email systems ensures that there are no double bookings of rooms.

How can booking software help to reduce office costs?

Booking software can also help maximize a company's profit by optimizing the use of spaces and workspaces. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Increasing utilization: By being able to make better use of workplaces and spaces, it is possible to ensure that every available space is used optimally.
  • Reduce costs: By better managing resources and avoiding double bookings, it is possible to ensure that costs are managed more efficiently.
  • Increasing sales: By being able to rent out temporary workplaces such as meeting rooms to external customers, additional revenue can be generated.

How can Seatti help reduce office costs?

With our MS-Teams integration, you can optimize office space based on booking data, while giving your employees more flexibility.

And so that everything runs smoothly, you can implement Seatti particularly quickly into the Microsoft ecosystem. Seatti not only enables employees to Workplace booking, but it also offers companies the opportunity to collect long-term data. The integrated data analysis tracks anonymized booking data, whereupon you can make data-driven decisions regarding your office investment.

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