Ready, Set, LogoOo π π π
We're thrilled to announce that Seatti officially has a new logo! We've been working on this behind the scenes for quite a while and we're super happy with the end result. So without further delay...

There are always exciting new things happening at Seatti. Be it that we secured our fantastic pre-seed round, that our co-founder Chris was honored with an award, that we hired many new employees or that we hosted our first webinar: There is never peace with us!
But we see that as a great thing, because change means that we change. And as a start-up, we think change is always good! It means adapting, restructuring, and improving. We never have a boring week, and that's because of all the new changes we're constantly busy with.
And this week we had a particularly exciting change that we simply had to share with you. Because a start-up rebrand that reflects all these rapid changes, expansions and transitions should be celebrated!
What does the logo mean?
If you've ever started your own business, or prepared for a rebrand, you know how much work goes into choosing or changing a logo. It's the first thing a customer sees, it's a reflection of your work, it's the representation of your brand. So you shouldn't rush the process β but neither do we have that.
We knew we wanted something abstract. Something that doesn't fit into a mold, because that's what hybrid work is all about: a model that lives outside the box. Out of the ordinary. A change that came unexpectedly and came about because companies had to come up with new strategies to adapt to current changes.
We knew we wanted something dynamic. Something that shows how quickly not only Seatti but also our working world is changing. Because although hybrid working is the new, adapted model, we are always finding new ways to perfect it, to change it. Our idea of how we should work is constantly in flux β and that is exactly what our logo should reflect.
We knew we wanted something daring. Something that represents how start-ups work and how they are changing the work scene. Because it is brave to change your entire way of working. But it is even bolder to do this with new technologies that allow you to constantly learn and adapt.

So we decided on our new logo. You might see a picture of four perfectly arranged desks. It is intended to represent the new shared desk system that so many companies integrate to enable hybrid work.

You might also see an image of an βSβ, which stands for Seatti, Shared Desk, Solidarity, Shift, Stark, or Super. Whatever you want it to stand for, we hope it's reflected in our new logo.
And that's it! With our new rebrand, logo, and direction, we're ready to conquer your office and the world!
A big thank you must go to Estian Fourie and The Kinetic for making this new logo possible!
Share your thoughts with us β what do you think of our new logo?