
Team Events: Ideas for Improving Corporate Culture


Team events are a great way to strengthen team spirit, improve collaboration, and give employees the opportunity to get to know each other better outside of the work environment. Now that more and more companies rely on hybrid work, team events are taking on a new role. Find out how to organize team events here.

Key facts

  • Team events are a wonderful opportunity to strengthen dynamism and cohesion in the company.
  • Hybrid team events are particularly suitable in a hybrid working environment to regularly round up your team.
  • A team outing is particularly suitable for working on your company's roadmap for several days.
  • Download our checklist to organize your next team event.

What are hybrid team events?

Hybrid team events are events that take place both locally and online. One part of the team meets in person at a specific location, while the other part takes part virtually. This enables all team members to participate in the event regardless of where they are.

Benefits of hybrid team events

Hybrid team events have many advantages over pure virtual or personal events. On the one hand, all team members can participate, regardless of whether they work in the office or from home. On the other hand, every participant can participate in accordance with their individual needs and preferences. In addition, hybrid team events can help save costs and effort, as not all team members have to travel to the same location.

Examples of team events

There are many ways in which hybrid team events can be organized. Here are a few examples:

  • Virtual coffee break: Each employee brings a cup of coffee and spends half an hour talking to the other participants online.
  • Hybrid workshop: A workshop takes place on site, while participants can connect and participate remotely.
  • Team building activities: An online platform is used to Team building to be carried out while part of the team is meeting in person.
  • Summer party & Christmas party: Part of the team meets outdoors and barbecues, while the other part connects virtually and takes part in games and activities.
  • Pub quiz: Challenge and organize your team Pub quiz. Put together a list of questions from different categories and let your team members' heads smoke properly.
  • Online sports: Start the day together and organise a yoga session in the morning, for example. A little meditation or simple weight training in the evening makes everyone come down and spend time together.

Organization of team events

For hybrid team events to be successful, the organization must be well thought out in advance. Here is a checklist for organization:

  1. Determine the goal of the event: Before you start planning, you should define a clear goal for yourself. For example, do you want the hybrid corporate culture strengthen, improve collaboration or simply create a pleasant working atmosphere?
  1. Select an appointment: Choose a date and time that's right for all participants. Also consider possible time differences among remote participants.
  1. Determine the location: Decide where you want the event to take place. Should it take place on site in a conference room or outside the work environment? Or should it take place virtually via a video conferencing platform?
  1. Set the budget: Decide how much money you want to spend on the event. Take into account the costs for the location, food and drink, technical equipment and possible travel costs.
  1. Plan the program: Plan a varied program for the event. It should be both fun and productive to work with. For example, plan joint activities, workshops, lectures or even games.
  1. Inform participants: Make sure that all participants are aware of the location, date and time, the program, and any preparations or souvenirs.
  1. Follow-up: Conclude the event with a recap and debriefing Make sure that all important points have been discussed and that any issues or questions have been resolved.

Probably the biggest team event: How to organize a team outing

A team outing is a joint activity organized by a company, organization, or team to promote team building, strengthen teamwork, and improve relationships among team members.

It can include a variety of activities, from sports activities such as climbing or paintball to cultural events such as museum visits or cooking classes. The goal of team outing is to get the team out of the work environment and create shared experiences that help to strengthen trust and collaboration within the team.

At Seatti, we regularly organize team outings. Last year, for example, we were in Schliersee, Madrid and in 2023 already in Visselhövede.

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