Implementing Hybrid Work

Seatti ROI calculator: Calculate the savings potential of office costs


This return on investment (ROI) calculator is used to calculate the Cost savings and the space required for a company's office space when it ”Desk sharing“introduces, i.e. a concept in which employees share a desk instead of having their own workplace.

The questionnaire contains information about the company's current number of employees and office space, as well as the percentage of space earmarked for desk sharing. It also asks about the company's plans for hiring new employees and the costs of office space at its location. Calculate the savings potential for your office in just a few steps!

The questions:

“How many office employees do you currently have in total?” :

The total number of office workers that the company currently has. Based on this information, the number of jobs required for the company's employees is calculated.

“How many workplaces are there in the office right now?” :

The total number of jobs that are currently available in the office. Based on this information, the required office space is calculated. We assume that every workplace is at least 8 m2 Needs space.

“What percentage of all workplaces should be made available for desk sharing?” :

The percentage of jobs that should be made available for desk sharing. This information is used to calculate the reduction in space requirements that could be achieved by introducing desk sharing.

“Are you planning to hire more people in the next 12 months? If so, how many?” :

Does the company intend to hire new employees in the next 12 months, and if so, how many? Based on this information, the number of jobs that will be required for the company's employees in the next 12 months is calculated.

“Where is the office located?” :

The location of the company's office. Based on this information, the costs for office space at the location are calculated. We use the following multipliers: big city - 33€ per m2. Small town - 23€ per m2. Suburb - 14€ per m2.

“How many home office days per week do you want to introduce?” :

The number of days per week on which the company wants to give its employees the opportunity to work from home. Based on this information, the number of jobs that will be required for employees in the next 12 months is calculated. The more home office days a week, the less office space is required.

The results:

“Space required for bookable jobs in the next 12 months excluding Seatti”:

The space that will be required for company employees over the next 12 months, without the introduction of desk sharing.

“Costs for bookable office space excluding Seatti”:

The cost of office space that will be required for company employees over the next 12 months, excluding the introduction of desk sharing. The result is calculated from the total area multiplied by rental costs.

“Reducing space through the introduction of desk sharing”:

The reduction in space that could be achieved by introducing desk sharing. The value is calculated based on the number of home office days specified. One home office day per week means a reduction of 20%. Two days means 40%, etc.

“Required area excluding Seatti”:

The space that will be required for employees over the next 12 months without introducing desk sharing.

“Required area with Seatti”:

The space that will be required for employees over the next 12 months, taking into account the introduction of desk sharing. This value is calculated by multiplying the “required space without Seatti” by the “area reduction through the introduction of desk sharing.”

“Costs for bookable office space with Seatti (monthly)”:

The monthly costs for office space required for employees over the next 12 months, taking into account the introduction of desk sharing. This value is the result of multiplying the “required area by Seatti” and the price per square meter at the location.

“Potential savings (monthly)”:

The potential monthly cost savings achieved by introducing a Workstation booking software could be achieved. This value is calculated by subtracting the “costs for bookable office space with Seatti (monthly)” from the “costs for bookable office space without Seatti (monthly)”.

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