Desk sharing with Seatti: the advantages at a glance

2 min

Hybrid work works! After over 1 million bookings, we can proudly present the significant benefits of workplace booking software such as Seatti. Because if you're worried that hybrid work might not work for you, then take a look at our long-term study on office use, employee satisfaction and potential savings. Based on in-depth analysis, we have gained amazing insights into the changes in office presence and the benefits that Seatti brings.

Key facts

  • With Seatti, employees work more in the office on average. We recorded an impressive 32% increase compared to the previous year.
  • While most offices are underutilized on Mondays and Fridays, desk sharing means that office presence is particularly high in the middle of the week.
  • Despite increasing office presence, the majority of companies have enormous potential for savings. The fact that office usage remains relatively constant over the year gives companies the certainty that their investments in office space are well spent.
  • For example, a desk sharing concept, which is supplemented with Seatti, offers numerous advantages in order to be able to introduce the hybrid working model simply and easily.

Comprehensive database as a basis

The desk sharing concept has clear advantages for employees and companies. However, many are struggling with the implementation and administration of offices and therefore use workplace booking software such as Seatti.

In order to shed light on the benefits of desk sharing using software, we have launched an investigation. This is based on data from nine renowned DAX and multinational companies, which 250,000 bookings from 7,500 users were made.

This analysis focused on data from 2023, which also took into account a 12-month perspective.

This resulted in three significant results:

Durchschnittliche Bürotage pro Seatti-User
Average office days per Seatti user

32% higher presence in the office

Companies that use Seatti have a significantly higher office presence! A very clear result of our investigation showed that, compared to the previous year (August 2022) 32% more employees came to the office.

Together with Seatti, a desk sharing concept offers the advantage of bringing employees to the office generically and without coercion.

This not only shows Seatti's effectiveness in giving employees an incentive, back to the office to come back to meet and work together more personally, but solves the problem that many companies have their Office space more efficient again be able to use.

This shows not only the effectiveness of Seatti, but also the change in working habits.

Clear weekly trends

Everyone of you is familiar with it: We go to the office when our colleagues are also on site. Because office presence through the use of Seatti's core features such as Meetup feature increases, clear office days can be identified.

While Mondays and Fridays are more intended for working from home, the office presence in the Noticeably high midweek. These insights enable companies to plan their resources more effectively, whether it's organizing meetings or capacity planning for the canteen.

But also around the hybrid corporate culture or the team cohesion To further expand, this knowledge is useful for hybrid meetings, Onboardings or Team building to host in the office. Instead, the desk sharing concept offers planning security.

Potential for optimising office space

Over a year, we were able to determine in our study that only minor fluctuations in terms of office use over the year. The concern that seasonal changes in attendance days would prevent space and cost optimization could therefore not be confirmed.

On the contrary: As the number of office presence days increases, so does average office occupancy. On Wednesdays, it rose in some cases even over 80%. However, the data also show significant savings potential in the office space provided.

The desk sharing concept gives companies the necessary security that their investments in office space are well spent, but Area optimizations or growth is possible while maintaining the same area. That is a key advantage of desk sharing.

A desk sharing concept with Seatti offers many advantages!

Hybrid work as a working model is an opportunity for companies. Seatti offers numerous advantages with technical support within a desk sharing concept. In this way, it generically brings employees back to the office without having to introduce an unfavorable hybrid policy or establish a mandatory attendance rate.

In this way, corporate culture can be specifically promoted on certain days of the week, while employees can continue to work flexibly on other days. This allows desk sharing with all its benefits for employees and companies to be introduced at the same time.

For me personally, hybrid work works! That is why I would like to prepare organizational & cultural challenges for you in a solution-oriented way.

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