There are numerous studies that show that office usage costs often represent the second-largest cost block for companies after personnel costs. Optimizing office space can therefore bring significant benefits: By adapting offices to actual use and occupancy, excess space can be redesigned and costs saved. Especially in times of energy crisis, this can be particularly beneficial for companies, as it can help to reduce energy costs. But how did the other companies do it? Here are a few examples of our customers!
Case #1: Office restructuring
Our customer is an internationally active healthcare company and has almost 100,000 employees globally. This also includes a German regional group with almost 7,000 employees. When redesigning the Berlin office, the hybrid working model was used in order to design an open space office at the same time as the actual restructuring.
The redesigned office spaces should then be organized and managed by Seatti. By collecting long-term data, the customer was able to open their office spaces in the capital reduce by 50%. In addition, existing office space was converted. There are now no longer individual desks in the office, but shared spaces for all employees.
Case #2: Efficient office management
Our second customer is a German bank based in North Rhine-Westphalia. Following the corona pandemic, the office in the state capital of Düsseldorf should be prepared for a new working model. The hybrid working model was quickly chosen.
Seatti was implemented as an intuitive workplace booking software for booking and managing the office. With the introduction of desk sharing, the office space was able to one third be reduced and individual desks can be retained at the same time.
Case #3: Saving operating costs
The third case concerns a major European car manufacturer. As a result of the energy crisis and the associated increase in gas prices, it was decided to close part of the office space over the cold winter months.
In order to manage the remaining office space and associated workspaces more efficiently, Seatti was introduced as desk sharing software. This made it possible to quickly identify unused areas and around 20% of the entire office be shut down.
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