Feedback culture: How to communicate in hybrid teams

2 min

Hybrid work models offer a variety of benefits — from more flexible working hours to a larger talent pool. But they also present challenges, particularly when it comes to team communication and collaboration. An open feedback culture can make the difference here. But how can you establish a feedback culture that also works in hybrid teams?

Key facts

  • An open and positive feedback culture is essential to promote trust, collaboration and continuous improvement in hybrid teams.
  • Starting at company level, managers should set an example for feedback, introduce clear guidelines and establish regular feedback processes.
  • Transparency, empathy, and regularity are key elements for motivating team members to give and accept constructive feedback.
  • Cultural differences, technological barriers, and reluctance can be overcome through clear communication, training, and a trusting environment.
  • Tools such as Seatti facilitate communication and support the development of a sustainable feedback culture in hybrid teams.

Why is feedback culture important?

Feedback is essential for team and company development. It creates transparency, strengthens trust and helps to improve collaboration. In hybrid teams, where personal meetings are rare, a well-developed feedback culture is particularly important. It ensures that misunderstandings can be reduced and problems can be addressed at an early stage.

Hybrid feedback culture

A feedback culture is crucial in a hybrid work environment, as physical distance can often lead to communication gaps. Without regular direct interaction, tensions or misunderstandings can go unnoticed, which can affect team dynamics.

A well-established feedback culture can help by providing a safe space for the exchange of ideas, concerns and recognition. This not only promotes productivity, but also the well-being of employees, regardless of whether they work locally or remotely.

Steps to build a feedback culture

You should consider these steps when it comes to the hybrid feedback culture in your company:

1. Establish a feedback culture in the company

The introduction of an open feedback culture starts at company level. Managers must recognize the value of feedback and actively set an example. Regular training and workshops can help make employees and teams aware of the importance of feedback.

In this case, the Management at a distance particularly important. A new way of leading, giving feedback or evaluating hybrid teams is required. One hybrid corporate culture requires a different approach and will only establish itself with you step by step. However, it is important that communication and the flow of information are correct. If information is not correctly reproduced, this has a negative effect on the working environment.

2. Develop a feedback culture in the team

Hybrid teams have different communication channels, ranging from virtual meetings to asynchronous messages. In order to promote a feedback culture within the team, clear guidelines for feedback processes should be created. For example, monthly feedback meetings or retrospectives can be introduced.

3. Create an open feedback culture

An open feedback culture means that all team members are encouraged to give and accept constructive feedback. This is achieved by:

  • Transparency: Open communication about goals, expectations, and challenges.
  • Empathy: Feedback should always be formulated in a respectful and solution-oriented manner.
  • Regularity: Feedback should be a continuous process and not only take place during annual meetings.

Tips to promote a positive feedback culture

There is no “one way” to build a positive and transparent feedback culture. Instead, you must always respond to the individual needs of your employees and pick up every single employee.

Therefore, relies on a dual feedback system, which allows individual employees as well as the Working in a team Take a close look. 1:1 discussions with your team require more time, especially in the initial phase of hybrid work, but pay off in the end, as worries & fears can be quickly intercepted here.

Team-specific problems can also be collected in this way and so you can work together on a solution. The most important thing is to always have an open ear for each other. This is the only way the hybrid set-up works, which is still new territory for many employees.

However, introducing a feedback culture in hybrid teams is not always easy. Here are some of the most common challenges and solutions:

  • Cultural differences: International teams may have different views of feedback. A clear definition of feedback guidelines helps here.
  • Technological barriers: Not all employees are using digital tools or Collaboration tools familiar. Training and usability of the tools are crucial here.
  • Restraint: Some team members are reluctant to provide feedback. A trusting environment and setting an example by managers can help here.

Organize the hybrid work model better with Seatti

As a workplace engagement software, Seatti helps you successfully design hybrid work models — and that includes improving the feedback culture. Connect better with our features and promote cross-departmental collaboration and internal team structures.

With its location sharing function, Seatti creates more transparency for hybrid teams. Team leaders can plan team days with Seatti and thus actively create feedback rounds or simply invite them to joint office days. This makes it easier to strengthen team dynamics and work on your corporate culture.

In addition, through its data-based insights, Seatti enables a better analysis of work patterns, which allows managers to initiate targeted measures to promote a feedback culture.

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