Workplace Analytics: Analyse booking data & optimise spaces.

Optimise your office to meet employee needs with our integrated workplace analytics and save up to 30 % of your office costs at the same time.
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Seatti's benefits

Desk Booking Benefits
Evaluates employee behaviour
Analyse historical occupancy data per office, floor, department or workspace. Our Workspace Analytics figures are based on anonymised booking data from your workforce and are fully GDPR-compliant.
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Really understands office use
Analyses office utilisation over individual time periods with the help of workplace analytics. Recognise which offices, areas, spaces and even days of the week are particularly popular. This allows you to identify trends that help you to better organise your office space.
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Detailed analysis of your offices
Go from utilisation at building level down to individual desks. Understand in which areas more workstations are needed or whether certain areas of your office are no longer required or can be redesigned. Adapt your office to the hybrid set-up and the needs of your employees.
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A more productive workplace
with just one click!

Get to know Seatti! We will work out the potential for your company
in about 30 minutes.