Case Studies

Seatti x Medialine: Our Case Study


How Medialine improves employee interaction and self-organization with Seatti.

In contrast to many other companies that due to the COVID-19 pandemic Hybrid work had to introduce and adapt, Medialine had already worked with hybrid forms of work a few years before the pandemic. Medialine is a forward-looking and innovative company that came up with the idea of introducing hybrid forms of work long before this was cool (and necessary). But even before Corona, there were challenges that the company had to face when deciding on this transition.

The problem:

Medialine is a future-oriented company. The first hybrid work concepts were used back in 2015. As the company grew, so did the challenges of organizing workplaces. Desk sharing repeatedly led to confusion as to who would use which desk and when, and it became clear that an efficient solution had to be found. Medialine was therefore looking for a tool to support the hybrid work strategy.

The solution:

Medialine decided to learn directly from the conflicts that arose and to overcome them using its own strengths: thinking ahead, innovation and collectivity. In addition to a clear communication strategy and an open ear for feedback, the company also decided to invest in a software tool that promotes organization and efficiency through work location sharing and meetup enabling, and makes it easier for hybrid employees to meet in the office.

About Medialine:

Brothers Martin and Stefan Hörhammer recognized the influence of IT early on: They founded Medialine in 1999 and expanded the company into a full-service IT service provider. Tailored to the real requirements of SMEs and large companies, the range of services today includes IT infrastructure, cloud services and business solutions. Today, they serve a group of medium-sized companies that are represented at more than 20 locations in Germany, Austria and Romania.

Would you like to learn more about how Medialine uses Seatti to improve employee interaction and self-organization?

Just download the full case study here:

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